Friday, March 16, 2007

special prayer

i want to ask for special prayer for brooke anderson. she is in need of a blog. pray that she would be delivered from bloglessness... that she'd find the blessing of the blog. and that she would abound in her blog.

for real.... do pray for isaac and carol - pray for the church registration process to wrap up smoothly, and for them to be able to work through all the visas and transition stuff of moving to mozambique.

make a point this weekend to pray for this, too - pastor rob ketterling (pastor dino's roommate in bible college) has a team from his church in minnesooota in moz right now and they're going to have a service this weekend at hpc_moz with rob speaking. should be really cool to hear about that. be praying that God starts it all off with a bang - a God-style, grab-your-attention, wow-thank-You-Jesus type of deal.

36 days to africa....

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